
File Compression

There are two main types of compression, lossy and lossless. I am going to discuss these now in details. File compression usually happens so that you can make more space available on your hard disk, by shortening the file sizes. WinZip is a FREE piece of software that you may use to compress your files/folders to a .rar or .zip file format which automatically lowers the weight of the files.

Lossy Compression
Lossy compression is whenever the data that is used in a file is compressed and from this some of the data is lost. This means that the new version of the image will be very similar to the original, with slight variation that is unseen to the human eye. An example of this would be a JPEG file type. Lossy compression will have a smaller file size than lossless.

Lossless compression
Lossless compression is whenever the compression occurs the exact opposite from lossy. Data does not lose any quality in the process of compression. Lossless compression is better quality than lossy as if you are going to be zooming in you will not have a blurry image. Winzip will need to be used to extract the data from the compressed file.


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